Which Cooking Oil is Good for Health?

Discover which are the best cooking oils for better health and how you can use them in everyday cooking.

Best Cooking Oils for Health

best cooking oils to haveGenerally speaking, fats tend to get a bad rap. Regardless, our bodies need specific oils in order to function as we should. On the whole, whether fats are good or bad depends on the type of fat you are eating.

It’s well known that saturated fats and trans-fat are not a healthy choice.  In fact, trans fats have been banned in the U.S. due to its lack of health benefits.  Specifically, these fats can raise your blood cholesterol levels.  On the same token, they are linked to cardiovascular disease.

Saturated fats are not as bad as trans-fat but do need to be limited.  That would include foods such as red meat, full-fat dairy products, ice cream, and butter.

Conversely, oils high in monounsaturated fatty acids and unsaturated fats are credited for heart health and improving cholesterol.  Foods high in monounsaturated fats are plant-based oils, avocados, olives, peanut butter, nuts, and seeds.

Bottom line, some fats are better than others.  By all means, avoid the trans fats and ration the saturated fats.  Instead, replace with essential polyunsaturated and monounsaturated oils.

4 Best Cooking Oils that are Healthy

best cooking oils for healthWhen choosing healthy cooking oils, forget the partially hydrogenated oils or trans-fats.  Instead opt for cooking oils with less that 4 grams of saturated fat per tablespoon.  

Below are popular healthy cooking oils that contain the good fats.  These oils can be safely used at higher temperatures.

Olive Oil

Best Cooking Oils - What is Olive Oil?

Olive oil is just that—the natural oil extracted from olives that grow on an olive tree.  Notably, the olive tree can live for hundreds of years. 

About 13.8% of the oil that is extracted from the olives is saturated fat.  Whereas 10.5% is polyunsaturated fat.  What makes olive oil one of the best cooking oils?  For one thing, it contains the omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.  Omega-6 fats provide the body with energy.  At the same time, omega-3 fats are essential for heart health, brain function, and metabolism.  

In spite of this, what makes olive oil so beneficial?  It is the oleic acid mentioned above.  This incredible acid makes up 71% of the total oil content.

Benefits of Oleic Acid in Best Cooking Oils

Oleic acid is an omega-9 fatty acid that occurs naturally in certain animal and vegetable fats and oils.

Through research, studies have suggested that Oleic acid reduces inflammation and oxidative stress.  Likewise, it is considered to have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer.   In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has substantiated that there is conclusive evidence that consuming cooking oils rich in oleic acid can help prevent coronary heart disease.

Is Olive Oil One of the Best Cooking Oils?

Beyond a doubt, olive oil is extremely healthy for you.  It stands to reason you would want to use this amazing oil for all of your cooking needs.  But is olive oil a good cooking oil?  

Actually, there are conflicting viewpoints as to whether olive oil should be used for cooking.  With concerns about smoke point, some people fear that heating olive oil to higher temperature can release potential harmful compounds.  They argue it defeats the purpose of consuming olive oil for good health. 

On the other hand, others assert that it is an excellent choice for any type of cooking, including frying.  So, who’s right?

A research article published in 2018 by Acta Scientific Nutritional Health determines olive oil to be safe for cooking at high temperatures.  In fact, the article asserts it is more chemically stable at high heat than other common cooking oils.

Best Cooking Oils Have High Smoke Point

Before the cooking begins, it’s important to note that oils have different smoke points.  That is the temperature at which an oil begins to break down and smoke. Cooking at a high heat above an oil’s smoke point can release free radicals, or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).  Ultimately, this can cause inflammation and lead to conditions like heart disease and cancer.

Best Cooking Oils - Health Benefits of Olive Oil

It’s true that the effects of dietary fat on one’s health is controversial.  But one thing’s for sure, you can trust expert claims that olive oil is good for you.  Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and is full of antioxidants.  To illustrate, just one tablespoon supplies you with 13% of the daily recommended requirements for vitamin E and 7% for vitamin K.

Likewise, olive oil benefits both LDL and HDL cholesterol levels.  In other words, it can help lower the bad cholesterol while increasing the good cholesterol.

In addition, olive oil has robust anti-inflammatory properties, such as polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that’s found in plant matter.  This particular antioxidant is responsible for neutralizing free radicals which are harmful to your body’s cells.  This can contribute to adverse health conditions.  This is important because chronic inflammation is speculated to be the primary cause of certain health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s disease.

 Avocado Oil

What is Avocado Oil?

Avocado oil is extracted directly from the flesh of pressed avocados.  This is done through a mechanical process whereas the seed and skin of the avocado are removed.  Then the flesh of the avocado is ground to a paste.  Following that, it goes through a churning process which turns it into oil. The result is an oil that tastes like an avocado but milder.

Best Cooking Oils - Avocado Oil for Cooking

Avocado oil has clearly become a staple in many kitchens due to its versatility.  It has a high smoke point that makes it the perfect cooking oil for any cooking method.  For example, baking, grilling, sautéing, searing, basting, etc.  In fact, this all-purpose oil can sustain higher temperatures than other leading cooking oils.

Furthermore, it’s an absolutely tasty choice for salad dressings or marinades.  Ideally, it enhances the taste of your food without overpowering it.

Is Avocado Oil Good for You?

It’s a widely known fact that avocados are good for you. Therefore, it stands to reason that avocado oil will not fall short.  Yes indeed, avocado oil is extracted straight from the fruit, and it doesn’t disappoint.  It is chock full of healthy antioxidants and a good source of fiber. 

In fact, one-third of an avocado supplies nearly 20 vitamins and minerals.  Just one tablespoon of the oil contains 10 grams of monounsaturated fat and 2 grams of polyunsaturated fat.  To top that off, it weighs in at just 124 calories.

Canola Oil

What is Canola Oil?

Canola oil is a type of vegetable oil that is derived from the canola plant.  Today, it is one of Canada’s most widely grown crops. Having undergone vigorous experimentation and breeding innovations with rapeseed, canola immerged as a versatile nutritional oil source widely used today.

Is Canola Oil One of the Best Cooking Oils?

Due to its versatility, canola oil is a popular choice for cooking.  Ideally, it can be used for high-temperature cooking methods, such as frying, grilling, and sautéing.  Moreover, canola oil is one of the best types of cooking oils for baking.  Its obscure flavor won’t overpower cakes, cookies, or other baked goods.

Best Cooking Oil - Health Benefits of Canola Oil

Indeed, canola oil is one of the healthiest cooking oils you can use.  Weighing in with zero trans-fat and low saturated fat, it is widely used by those looking for cooking oils that make you healthy.  In addition, canola oil contains beneficial omega-3 fatty acids that are good for heart health.

Sesame Oil

Where Does Sesame Oil Come From?

As you might expect, sesame oil comes from the seeds of the sesame plant. It is manufactured by pressing raw or toasted sesame seeds.  This results in cold-press oil or toasted seeds.  Thus, it accounts for the difference in color.  The non-toasted form is light in color similar to vegetable oil, whereas the toasted is richer and darker in color.

Best Cooking Oils - Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is a versatile oil for cooking and is widely used in Asian cooking.  However, it’s important to know that the toasted and non-toasted varieties are not interchangeable.

For example, light (non-toasted) sesame oil has a higher smoke point.  Thus, its mild flavor is ideal for frying and sautéing.  On the other hand, toasted (dark) oil has a much lower smoke point than its counterpart and shouldn’t be used for cooking.  Since it has a more intense taste it should be used sparingly in food dishes.  Perhaps as a finishing touch before serving.  Its strong, nutty flavor will complement foods that already have a strong flavor.

Benefits of Sesame Oil as One of the Best Cooking Oils

Sesame oil contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which makes for a healthy cooking oil.  

Plus, it contains powerful antioxidants, such as sesamol and sesamin which are noted for combating oxidative stress.  But it doesn’t stop there.  Similarly, it is a good source of vitamins E and K as well as calcium and magnesium.

Not to mention, sesame oil has anti-inflammatory properties.  This is a great benefit to those who suffer from arthritis.

In addition, studies have indicated that sesame oil may play a positive role in regulating metabolism and supporting weight loss.

Other Best Cooking Oils that are Healthy

Here are some other healthy oils that people like to cook with and why.

      • Corn 
        As you might guess, corn oil is an industrial seed oil made from corn kernels.  It has a neutral flavor and high smoke point which makes it ideal for cooking, particularly deep frying.  This oil is primarily made of polyunsaturated omega-6 fats and contains traces of vitamin E.
      • Peanut 
        This oil is ideal for frying and high heat cooking due to its high smoke point.  It contains vitamin E, antioxidants and healthy fats good for the heart and lowering LDL cholesterol levels.
      • Safflower
        This particular oil is made from the seeds of the safflower plant.  It has a mild flavor and a high smoke point making it a popular cooking oil.  Healthwise, it is non-GMO and contributes generous monounsaturated fats, omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E.
      •  Sunflower
        Here we have a healthy oil that comes from the sunflower.  Like its originator, it is pale in color.  A mild flavor and high smoke point make it a good option for frying, roasting, and baking.  Healthwise, it is a heart-healthy oil high in polyunsaturate and monounsaturated fats, and vitamin E.

What Cooking Oil Should I Use?

With so many cooking oil options to choose from, how do you know you are getting the real deal?   As we know, cooking oils don’t come cheap.  You want to feel confident that your cooking oil is healthy to cook with.

Here are some things to look for to make sure you are buying authentic cooking oil.

Only choose unrefined.  This is because unrefined oils are less processed.  That means they contain the maximum amount of nutrients.  Unrefined oils cost more than refined, but you are getting a high-quality oil.

Choose organic.  Foods that are organic have fewer synthetic pesticides and fertilizers and are free of hormones and antibiotics.  Equal to unrefined, organic retains a higher nutritional value.

Check the color.  The color of the oil should be consistent from top to bottom.  Varying colors are an indication that the oil is separating due to other ingredients being added.

Is Vegetable Oil Good for You?

Contrary to its name, vegetable oil does not necessarily come from vegetables.  It is actually a blend of several oils made from nuts, seeds, grains, or fruit.   There are many varieties that can be used for various cooking purposes. 

In many cases, vegetable oil is made from soybeans.   When buying vegetable, go for a blend that consists of canola, corn, soybean, safflower, palm and sunflower oils.  This will put it into the healthy category.    

# 1 Best Cooking Oils Pick

So, which cooking oil is the best for health?  Hands down, olive oil rates at the top. Out of all plant-based cooking oils, olive oil has the highest levels of monounsaturated fatty acids which contributes to heart health.  In addition, it:

    • contains antioxidants which helps to reduce inflammation
    • is packed with polyphenols
    • increases good cholesterol
    • supports brain health and cognitive function
    • aids in digestion resulting in a healthy gut
    • has antibacterial properties that enhance your immune system
    • contains anti-cancer properties
    • provides moisturizing benefits for skin

Not to mention, it is a stable cooking oil with a high smoke point which makes it largely versatile for practically all methods of cooking.   

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