Common Comfort Foods to Satisfy Food Cravings

There are sound reasons why people turn to common comfort foods.  Primarily, it makes them feel good.  In particular, when emotions are wacko, comfort foods serve as a coping mechanism.  

And of course, there are the memories.  So often, we associate certain foods with our childhood, holidays and other family gatherings.  Perhaps you are feeling lonely which can ignite a craving for particular foods that bring comfort.

What are Considered Common Comfort Foods?

Hamburger, mac & cheese, ice cream cone, taco, pizza, fried chicken are common comfort foods.Suddenly, out of the blue, you are craving something comforting to eat.  In effect, when you eat these foods, you feel happy and sad at the same time.  

Those foods that arouse your emotions are comfort foods.  Many times, these foods are something you had as a child or young adult.  Subsequently, it brings back tender memories like a hug from the past.  Correspondingly, just eating those foods can warm your heart and bring you a sense of nostalgia. 

 Of course, not everyone shares the same sentiments.  However, there are some common comfort foods that people do seem to have in common.

Common Comfort Foods We All Share

For the most part, comfort foods tend to consist of classic dishes that don’t lose popularity over time.  Possibly due to the familiarity of these foods, it becomes a universal trend in eating habits.

Accordingly, a particular study reported in the Food Institute revealed the highest-rated comfort foods in the U.S.  The results from the Treadmill Review Study are listed below.

Most Common Comfort Foods People Crave

  • Pizza
    Surprisingly, pizza ranked first.  Call it nostalgic or just plain irresistible, pizza plays a role in social bonding.  Ultimately, it connects with people on many levels.

  • Mac & Cheese
    Uniquely, this comfort food was a favorite for women ranking in second place.  Most likely, one would consider macaroni and cheese a kid food.  Perhaps, it’s such a well-liked comfort food because we have memories of eating it back in the day.  It’s no surprise that simple dish holds strong childhood memories.

  • Burgers
    On the other hand, men weren’t into the mac & cheese as much.  Apparently, men hold fond memories of burgers.  Hamburgers came in second place for men.  Whether it’s off the grill or sharing a burger with friends, hamburgers ignite a sense of warmth and camaraderie.

  • Fried chicken
    By all means, fried chicken ignites memories of grandmas and home style cooking.  Those special family dinners were happy times always to remember.

  • Mexican food
    Most certainly, Mexican food satisfies any taste bud.  Its authentic flavors and wide options make for a satisfying and comforting meal for just about anyone. Plus, you get generous portions which always makes people happy.

Common Comfort Foods Includes Ice Cream

Ice cream and sprinkles are common comfort foods.
  • Ice cream
    Actually, there’s a scientific reason why people crave ice cream.  It just so happens, indulging in a dish of ice cream triggers the release of dopamine and serotonin.  These are the hormones associated with happiness and pleasure.
  • Cookies
    In the same way, just the act of baking and consuming warm, homemade cookies can trigger a psychological response associated with comfort and security.  In fact, the smell alone can evoke feelings of happiness.
  • Chocolate
    Markedly, this self-soothing comfort food stirs up childhood memories of treats and special occasions.  People tend to feel a sense of nostalgia when eating chocolate.

Why Do Foods Bring About Comfort?

So, just what is it about comfort foods that make them so… well comforting?  Here are some of the main reasons that people turn to the foods that make them feel good.

    • feelings of nostalgia and familiarity
    • emotional connection with others
    • promotes feeling of warmth and satisfaction
    • relates to you personally
    • boosts mood and makes you happy
    • social and family rituals

Nostalgic Childhood Foods - A Blast from the Past

If you grew up in the 60s and 70s, you probably remember the joy of these two favorite comfort foods.

Classic TV Dinners

Perhaps no one could understand the appeal of a TV dinner better than the baby boomers.  What a happy time sitting in front of the TV with a perfectly portioned ready-made meal of your choice.

Classic all-time favorite TV dinners included Salisbury steak, turkey, fried chicken and meatloaf.  Typically, it included mashed potatoes, gravy, and a vegetable.  If you were lucky enough, you might even get a dessert.

Swanson Pot Pies

Another treat from the past were good ol’ Swanson turkey and chicken pot pies.  In fact, by 1960, Swanson was selling over 13 million pot pies a year.  There was just something alluring about a frozen, oven-ready pot pie that appealed to Americans.

Common Comfort Foods that Make You Happy

You may be surprised at some of these comfort foods that actually make you happy.  Backed by science, these mood-boosting comfort foods can put a smile on your face.  Next time, you’re feeling low, try one of these foods and get happy.

Foods That Make You Happy

Coffee makes you happy.  If you’ve ever tried to give up coffee, you know how hard it is.  The reason is a hot cup of coffee really does make you happier.  Scientists will tell you that coffee stimulates the release of dopamine.  Thus, the euphoria and pleasant feelings you feel with that first cup of morning coffee.

Does chocolate make you happy?  Dark chocolate does.  That is, with the help of a compound called phenethylamine.  Eating dark chocolate stimulates the release of endorphins which makes you feel good.  If you’re down in the dumps, it’s a quick picker upper and can help eliminate some of that stress.

Want to be happy—eat an orange.  Believe it or not, our brains respond to colors of the food we eat. Just from the color, our mood can become more energetic, happy and relaxed.  Not to mention, the juicy taste of an orange has the ability to bring instant delight.

Emotional benefits of eating a banana.  We all know an apple a day keeps the doctor away.  But did you know a banana can make you happy.  Indeed, bananas contain potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B-6, which can boost mood and wellbeing.  Coupled with a boost in serotonin levels, you should be feeling pretty good.

Comforts of eating corn-on-the-cob.  There’s something jovial about eating corn-on-the-cob.  Perhaps because it gives you a chance to set your inhibitions aside and go at it.

People get excited about eating watermelon.  Despite the juice dripping down your mouth, this sweet treat brings out the smiles.  A comfort food that is satisfying and fun to eat.  Just ask any kid!

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